Nutrition Nursing CE Package
Proper nutrition plays a big role in disease prevention, recovery from illness and ongoing good health. You will have access to the courses in this package for 1 full year.
23.5 ANCC Contact Hours
Courses inside this package:
Weight Bias in Healthcare Nursing CE Course
This course provides an overview of the obesity epidemic and the associated weight bias and stigma sweeping the healthcare system leading to decreased healthcare utilization by individuals living with obesity. It discusses strategies to overcome this detrimental dynamic and increase awareness to ensure equal access to quality care.
- 2.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $11.00
Dietary Supplements Nursing CE Course
This activity aims to provide an overview of the various dietary supplements, including the potential benefits, risks, and adverse effects that can occur when utilizing these products.
- 2.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $14.00
Eating Disorders Nursing CE Course
This course will explore the definitions, incidence, pathophysiology, risk factors, assessment and diagnosis, and treatment options for patients with eating disorders.
- 2.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $11.00
Childhood Obesity Nursing CE Course
The purpose of this module is to review the epidemiology of childhood obesity, the identification of obesity in children, the risk factors and psychosocial triggers associated with childhood obesity, and the emotional effects of obesity on children. Additionally, the long-term physical effects and preventive and management strategies of childhood obesity will be discussed.
- 1.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $8.00
Food Allergies Nursing CE Course
The purpose of this module is to review the epidemiology and pathophysiology of food allergies and intolerances. It also covers the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, emergency treatment, and long-term management of individuals with food allergies.
- 1.0 ANCC Contact Hour
- Single Course Cost: $6.00
Nutritional Support in Critical Illness: Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Nursing CE Course
This course reviews the fundamental aspects of nutritional support in patients with critical illness, including the components of a nutritional assessment, types of enteral and parenteral nutrition access routes, nursing care of nutritional access devices, and clinical considerations to enhance nursing practice and improve patient outcomes.
- 3.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $20.00
Anemia Nursing CE Course
This module aims to provide an overview of anemia in adult patients, outlining the classification of the various types of anemia, the most common etiologies, and a systematic approach to diagnosis, evaluation, and management.
- 3.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $15.00
Foodborne Illnesses Nursing CE Course
This course reviews the risks, symptoms, complications, and treatment for various foodborne diseases. Specifically, this course will focus on the foodborne diseases reportable to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including foodborne botulism, infant botulism, brucellosis, campylobacteriosis, cryptosporidiosis, cyclosporiasis, acute hepatitis A, listeriosis, salmonellosis, Escherichia coli, trichinellosis, tularemia, and vibriosis, as well as non-infectious foodborne diseases including mercury poisoning, arsenic poisoning, and scombroid syndrome.
- 3.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $15.00
Diets Decoded: The Nuts and Bolts of Nutrition Nursing CE Course
This course reviews current evidence for common dietary plans popular with patients in the US today, including the risks and benefits associated with each.
- 3.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $20.00
Bariatric Surgery Nursing CE Course
The purpose of this course is to review the incidence of obesity in the US and discuss the benefits and risks of various bariatric surgical options. Additionally, the course will examine the criteria for bariatric surgery clearance and discuss the preoperative and postoperative care of bariatric patients, including complications that can occur with bariatric surgery.
- 1.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $8.00