Women's Health - The Primary Care Basic Nursing CE Package for APRNs
Earn 10+ ANCC Pharmacology contact hours (and 50+ total hours of CE) that are most relevant to APRNs focused on Women's Health. You will have access to the courses in this package for 1 full year.
51.0 ANCC Contact Hours
9.0 ANCC Pharmacology Hours
Courses inside this package:
Endometrial (Uterine) Cancer Nursing CE Course
This module explores the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment modalities of endometrial (uterine) cancer to diagnose women as early as possible, improve clinical outcomes, and provide optimal care, patient education, and support throughout the disease trajectory.
- 3.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $16.00
CDC Immunization Schedule and Vaccine Facts Nursing CE Course
This course reviews nationwide and worldwide statistics regarding immunizations and their efficacy in reducing morbidity and mortality. In addition, this course reviews the recommended immunization schedules for children and adults in the United States, including contraindications and safety considerations with pregnancy. Finally, this course reviews the use of immunizations for worldwide epidemics and discusses the phenomenon of vaccine hesitancy.
- 3.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $20.00
Osteoporosis Nursing CE Course for APRNs
This learning activity aims to increase advanced practice registered nurses' (APRNs’) understanding of osteoporosis, including the risk factors, clinical criteria for diagnosis, nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment options, and a summary of evidence-based prevention and screening guidelines to improve patient outcomes.
- 2.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- 1.0 ANCC Pharmacology Hour
- Single Course Cost: $22.00
Breast Cancer Nursing CE Course for APRNs
This module discusses breast cancer, its risk factors, clinical features, common subtypes, and treatment modalities and reviews commonly prescribed systemic treatments and side effects. It also includes a summary of early detection and screening guidelines to enhance APRN practice and improve clinical outcomes.
- 3.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- 1.5 ANCC Pharmacology Hours
- Single Course Cost: $27.00
Anatomy and Physiology of the Endocrine System Nursing CE Course
The purpose of this module is to provide the user with an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system and its hormones.
- 1.0 ANCC Contact Hour
- Single Course Cost: $6.00
Diagnostic Radiology Nursing CE Course for APRNs
The purpose of this learning activity is to enhance clinical practice and improve patient outcomes by educating advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) on the various types of diagnostic radiology imaging tests, ensuring an adequate understanding of the appropriate indications for ordering each exam, as well as the risks, benefits, and critical clinical considerations regarding the use of contrast media.
- 8.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- 3.0 ANCC Pharmacology Hours
- Single Course Cost: $70.00
Thyroid Dysfunction Nursing CE Course for APRNs
This module explores the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, management, and complications related to thyroid dysfunction based on the most recent practice guidelines and up-to-date research.
- 4.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- 1.5 ANCC Pharmacology Hours
- Single Course Cost: $39.00
Ovarian Cancer Nursing CE Course
This module provides an overview of ovarian cancer, including its risk factors, signs and symptoms, and treatment options, to help diagnose women as early as possible and provide optimal care and support throughout the disease trajectory. Empowering nurses with the right tools and information can significantly impact the clinical outcomes of women affected by this disease.
- 3.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $16.00
Domestic, Sexual, and Intimate Partner Violence Nursing CE Course
This activity aims to educate the learner regarding domestic violence and sexual violence statistics, risk factors, prevention, and the most up-to-date best practices for the evidenced-based care of survivors.
- 3.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $30.00
Cervical Cancer Nursing CE Course for APRNs
This module will review cervical precancer and cancer, risk factors, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, management, and side effects of common treatments. It will also discuss the core components of cervical cancer prevention and early detection to inform APRN practice and improve patient outcomes.
- 3.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- 1.0 ANCC Pharmacology Hour
- Single Course Cost: $30.00
Forensic Evidence Collection Nursing CE Course
This module aims to outline the trauma-informed care of victims of sexual violence, including assessment, forensic evidence collection, documentation, and a brief overview of providing testimony. This course does not satisfy the nursing continuing education requirements in Texas or Kentucky for sexual assault and forensic medicine; nurses practicing in these states should refer to our state-specific courses. Illinois offers its own free 2-contact hour SANE training course for staff working within emergency departments through their attorney general's office, www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov.
- 2.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $20.00
Anemia Nursing CE Course
This module aims to provide an overview of anemia in adult patients, outlining the classification of the various types of anemia, the most common etiologies, and a systematic approach to diagnosis, evaluation, and management.
- 3.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $15.00
Implicit Bias and Cultural Competency Nursing CE Course
This course reviews the current and historical context of health disparities, racism, and implicit bias. More specifically, the consequences of implicit bias in health care are discussed with examples of how various groups (e.g., racial, ethnic, gender, maternal, and infant, among others) have experienced health inequities. Finally, strategies to mitigate implicit bias are discussed, including individual, educational, and organizational; community engagement; inclusive communication; and cultural competency.
- 2.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $11.00
Sexually Transmitted Infections Nursing CE Course for APRNs
This activity aims to enable the learner to identify and understand the pathophysiology, transmission, signs and symptoms, and treatment of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs): chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), syphilis, and trichomoniasis.
- 3.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- 1.0 ANCC Pharmacology Hour
- Single Course Cost: $26.00
Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Nursing CE Course
This module reviews the critical components of cancer prevention, risk reduction, and early detection, outlining evidence-based cancer screening guidelines and recommendations.
- 2.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $14.00
Urinary Incontinence in Women Nursing CE Course for APRNs
The purpose of this activity is to provide an overview of the evaluation and treatment of urinary incontinence and its impact on women.
- 1.5 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $12.00
Eating Disorders Nursing CE Course
This course will explore the definitions, incidence, pathophysiology, risk factors, assessment and diagnosis, and treatment options for patients with eating disorders.
- 2.0 ANCC Contact Hours
- Single Course Cost: $11.00